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Q:  What the difference between Gospel and Gossip?

  a: Gospel is Christ's good news have you heard the good news  Jesus died so you can live forever. The good news is called the gospel God sent His Son Jesus into the world to live among people. While He was here Jesus knew taught about God. Jesus knew that earthly  life would be short. He know He would die on a cross and three days later rise up from the  dead. That is what happened. Jesus suffered the pain of death so all believers would be forgiven for their sins. He promised that whoever believes in Him will not die but will live forever with God. So spread the good news Tell your friends about Jesus Ask them to believe. In addition, Gossip is to talk about people behind their backs. Gossiping istelling stories about people.  It is spreading rumors and repeating so-called secrets The Bible warns about saying things that you know  you shouldn't The book of Proverbs says Gossip is no god it causes hard feeling and comes between friends. True Christian should not gossip..
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